My Knife: Michaël Moing
My knife: Michaël Moing
Where do knife makers get their ideas? What inspires their designs? Our series on custom knives tries to shine light on one specific knife. In this issue: an integral knife by French knife maker Michaël Moing.
Text and pictures Bas Martens
French knife maker Michaël Moing is best known for his folders, but when asked for his favourite, he came up with this full integral knife. There are several reason why Michaël is fond of this model. First of all, it was made for a friend, Adam DesRosiers. In 2019, Michaël visited the Blade Show for the first time, and it was Adam who showed him around, en helped him find customers in the United States. The knife pictured here was made for Adam DesRosiers as a token of appreciation.
The knife is Michaëls own design with some Bowie influences. The steel is 100Cr6, the handle scales are Ebony.
A full integral with ebony handle scales and Michaël Moings very recognisable signature on the left side
of the blade. The knife was made as a gift for Adam DesRosiers.
Depending on the definitions, this is knife is, or is not a unique copy. There is no template, so there will not be another example, but Michaël likes the model, and he has made a few similar ones. He likes the size of the knife and finds is has a challenging degree of difficulty. The shape of the integral knife must be balanced, and the fit and finish of the handle scales require much attention. It is a pleasant knife model to work on, he says. And that pleasure definitely shows in the result.
For more information see:
For more information see:
Left: Close-up of the bolster and spine with beautifully executed jimping. Right: The ebony handle scales. Fit and finish
are wonderful.

Michaël Moing also made the leather sheath, which almost completely encloses the knife.
Michaël Moing also made the leather sheath, which almost completely encloses the knife.