Knife news: 3,000-year-old bronze sword

A team of archaeologists has made an extraordinary find in Nördlingen, Germany: a tomb containing a bronze sword that is more than 3,000 years old and exceptionally well preserved. The find was announced in June of this year.
The sword was found in a tomb in which, shortly after each other, three people with rich bronze ulterior gifts were placed: a man, a woman and a youth. Whether they were related to each other is not yet known. The sword is a so-called octagonal sword, named for the shape of the solid bronze grip. This was cast over the blade. Although the sword shows no signs of use, archaeologists assume that it was not just ornamental. To date, there are two known centers of octagonal swords: in southern Germany, and in northern Germany and Denmark. A comparison of casting techniques and decorations shows that the northern variants are often reproductions of the southern German models.
The bronze sword is tentatively dated to the late 14th century BC. Swords from this era are rare, and the discovery of a bronze sword in this exceptional condition is especially so.
Photos: Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege
The sword was found in a tomb in which, shortly after each other, three people with rich bronze ulterior gifts were placed: a man, a woman and a youth. Whether they were related to each other is not yet known. The sword is a so-called octagonal sword, named for the shape of the solid bronze grip. This was cast over the blade. Although the sword shows no signs of use, archaeologists assume that it was not just ornamental. To date, there are two known centers of octagonal swords: in southern Germany, and in northern Germany and Denmark. A comparison of casting techniques and decorations shows that the northern variants are often reproductions of the southern German models.
The bronze sword is tentatively dated to the late 14th century BC. Swords from this era are rare, and the discovery of a bronze sword in this exceptional condition is especially so.
Photos: Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege