For Sale
European Blades Mag. is a wonderful project: a digital magazine that highlights the multiple aspects of the knife-making craft in Europe, from Finland to Portugal, from Greece to Poland and everything in between. Although "Europe" has a lot in common in terms of culture and history, knife makers in one country often have no idea what is happening in another. European Blades Mag. looks beyond those borders.
There is another advantage: as an English-language magazine, European Blades Mag. is accessible to virtually the entire world. A quarter of the website visitors are from the United States, and for a good reason. They have a great interest in what European knife makers are doing, and in European Blades Mag. the Americans can read about it in a language they understand.
In the past six years, 61 issues have appeared, with articles on a wide range of European knife shows, interviews with knife makers and reports on various aspects of the art and craft. I have thoroughly enjoyed producing those issues, but there is one problem: time.
To make a magazine like European Blades Mag. in the way I had envisioned requires more time than I had estimated, and that is becoming a problem. Europe has a large number of knife fairs, many of which are worth visiting. There are events, museums, exhibitions, and individual knife makers that deserve extensive attention. In addition, promoting the magazine and recruiting advertisers is time consuming as well.
European Blades Mag. is one of my projects. I have another magazine, and would like to write one or two book, on subjects that have nothing to do with knives. I have therefore decided to sell European Blades Mag. in the hope that someone else will continue the magazine, and build it into Europe's premier knife magazine. The infrastructure is already there. European Blades Mag has a website, where all the previous published issues are online. The site name "Europeanblades" is registered for several languages. There is a Facebook page and Instagram account, and a list of interested parties who are sent an email when each issue is published.
Based on that, European Blades Mag. can be expanded in numerous directions. I have plenty of ideas about that, which I will be happy to discuss with a potential buyer, but as I said, I am short on time myself.
The acquisition of the magazine will undoubtedly not be immediately. In the meantime, European Blades Mag. will continue to appear as usual. So now is not yet the time to say goodbye. And for those interested: send me an email at I will be happy to discuss the possibilities.